Pascaline has now created a Youtube channel to help its clients with their system needs.
We named our channel Technical Hub!
Since the rise of pandemic, more and more companies are struggling. Most of our clients are asking for trainings and but some of them are working from home. Who would've thought that the solution to all of this is a youtube channel.
Since we upload most of our training materials which includes our learning topics from Odoo and other partners, our clients seems to be more independent in learning. Implementation timeline became shorter and the System Go-Live seems to be more realistic. More and more clients are happier with the support that we give.
If you happen to be looking for our channel you can the link below:
Tutorial request are very much welcome.
If you think we missed any modules from ERP or you are looking for an insight on how install some things, you are very much welcome to send us an email. Please include the details of your request. Your full name and company should be included too.
*Our site contains paid advertisements